Have you noticed the yellow bags appearing along the A351 recently?
Over the last few days, and in the weeks up to Christmas, teams from Swanage Army Link (SAL) and Litter-Free Purbeck (L-FP) are combining in an attempt to clear all litter along the A351 from Swanage Beach to Sandford.
The Army Link team is, as usual, undertaking their work at “silly o’clock” (to reduce risk) along the open stretches of road, whilst Litter-Free Purbeck teams from Swanage, Harman’s Cross, Corfe Castle and Wareham are tackling the litter in their respective areas.
The drive for this fully ‘linked-up effort’ is that in the New Year it will be four years since Bridget, Lara & Frank set out, with individual teams, to support the national ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign and tackled areas on the A351. This directly led to Litter-Free Purbeck being set up a few months later (July 2016).
This will be the 15th SAL ‘Dawn Patrol’ Litter-pick between Coombe Corner (Swanage) and Stoborough Roundabout. As there has been a genuine reduction in the amount of litter tossed, this year we have dropped the four quarterly ‘Dawn Patrols’ to three sessions during 2019.
Thank you to everyone who supports us, to those who SLOW DOWN and give us space whilst overtaking, and especially to those of you who take your litter home!
Thank you also to all of the volunteers who support Swanage Army Link and Litter-Free Purbeck!