A Litter Bit About Us
We’re an alliance of community litter campaign groups in and around the Isle of Purbeck peninsula. Whether you live in, work in or just visit this beautiful place, please join us in keeping it litter-free for everyone to enjoy, now and in the future.
We’re formed of Purbeck residents and visitors who care about the harm done to our environment by litter. It’s easy to kid yourself that your one dog poo bag slung into a hedge, your plastic bottle discarded in a lane or your cigarette stub dropped on the pavement doesn’t matter but when you realise the sheer volume of these dropped by everyone else, you appreciate that there’s trouble with litter.
We have over 100 active volunteers in most towns and villages in Purbeck: Church Knowle, Corfe Castle, Harman’s Cross, Langton Matravers, Swanage, Wareham, and Worth Matravers. As a result, we can support each group very well, share resources (equipment, first aid and insurance cover) and use the same best practice for running litterpicks and organising groups so that new groups can benefit from older group’s experience. Each group has a coordinator, so if you’re interested in getting involved, we will put you in touch with your local group coordinator.
What We Do
We run organised group litterpicks and beach cleans throughout the year. Each area of Purbeck has different litter challenges so we respond accordingly. Our focus in Swanage and Wareham is mostly in residential areas as the centre of the town is swept regularly. However, we may hold awareness litterpicks during the peak summer period.
Campaign Groups
We have seven campaign groups currently in operation in Purbeck. Please click on the text links or tabs below to visit the group’s individual page which explains where they operate, what they have achieved and how you can get involved.
Residents and visitors are welcome to join our litterpicks.
Following the Clean For The Queen campaign in early 2016, the idea of Let’s Make Purbeck Litter-Free was born when 3 volunteers joined forces to work together. Thanks to some publicity from the Gazette and a few dedicated people who started the ball rolling, a launch meeting was held in July 2016 in Harman’s Cross where the idea that we can do something and don’t have to put up with litter in Purbeck took hold. Since then groups have sprung up in the area co-ordinating litterpicks whenever needed and whenever time allows.
Meet our Core Team
Our Core Team includes experienced coordinators and people with helpful skillsets and is responsible for supporting litterpicks, providing equipment, fundraising, publicity, and liaison with partners and associated groups at county and national level.
- Harold Forbes
- Simon Goldsack
- John Kirwin
- Lara Manningham-Buller
- Dave Pratten
- Frank Roberts