Swanage Beach Buddies Sunday 8th December 2019

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IT’S SO GOOD when that seaweed goes out cleaner than when it came in! And what a lovely morning, too. Huge thanks to Rob, Kerry, Pam, Sarah, Isaac, Olivia and (out of the shot as they were cleaning Monkey Beach) John and Graham for removing over 6 kgs of small but highly hazardous plastics from the Swanage South Beach yesterday. It was great to chat to people who saw what we were doing and thanked our volunteers – it means a lot to us when people do this. Biggest: piece of rope, strip of lobster pot rubber, 1 can. Lots of: fishing line, bits of cable ties, fag butts, and bits of plastic bottle. (More pics to follow.) Mince pies, macarons and coffee were enjoyed afterwards in an STC beach hut – thank you to the Swanage Information Centre for the loan as our own hut is full of equipment! 👏👏👏💪💪💪👣👣👣 #acleaneroceanforusall #LitterfreePurbeck
