The Swanage Beach Buddies have only been out three times this year so far, and they’ve already cleared Swanage Bay of nearly 100 kilograms of litter. Yesterday’s haul of 27 kilograms adds to the 72.5 kilograms they collected over the previous two Sunday mornings making an impressive 99.5 kilograms!
Since July 2020, they have cleared over 5 tonnes of litter from the beach and nearby streets, and will be continuing with their efforts as this year progresses.
This time of year, the Beach Buddies only get out every Sunday morning, but starting in the Spring they’ll be out every Tuesday evening as well.
If you’d like to help, the Sunday morning litter-picks start from the Litter-Free Purbeck hut on Shore Road next to Swanage Information Centre at 9 am. All equipment is provided, but please wear suitable clothing.
For more information, please contact Dave and Sally Pratten at